Category Archives: Wells Literary Festival

Wells Literary Festival

On Friday evening I attended the Wells Literary Festival with a friend to listen to Jeffrey Archer discuss his latest book in the series The Clifton Chronicles.  It is many years since I read one of his novels, although I remember them as extremely entertaining.

As a speaker he didn’t disappoint, chatting about the “overnight” success of his first novel – well over a year in the making; his rise to the best seller list; and the mechanics and creativity of the writing process itself.

Following the talk, I bought all five books in the series and have already finished reading the first – can’t wait to begin the second….

The Festival continues until the end of the weekend and tomorrow I will be there again, this time with my husband Rod, to hear Mary Berry.

Well recommended for those of you who haven’t yet visited the festival and it would be great to hear from any of you who have been to the event either this year or in the past.