Tag Archives: The White House Bed and Breakfast

Terry and Masons Great Food Trip

A couple of weeks ago I talked about Terry and Masons Great Food Trip and since then everyone hear at The White House Bed and Breakfas have watched every episode to make sure we didn’t miss Wells.

Well, last night it was on and we weren’t disappointed. Terry and Mason spent a lot of time in the market square and also visited Vicars Close, the oldest inhabited street in Europe. And we learned a couple of things too. We hadn’t realised that Wells Market, which is on every Wednesday ad Saturday, won best market in the South West in 2014, and also weren’t aware that snails in cider was a local delicacy! We’ll have to give that one a try…..

Catch up on BBC iplayer if you would like to view

And the Winner is……..

It was a great day for The White House and Dulcote yesterday when we swept the board for prizes at the Dulcote and Dinder Flower and Produce Show.

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Ms Ross Bufton came away with three trophies for her beautiful fruit and flower displays.  And our neighbour Frank won his cup for the best hanging basket.

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But The White House were delighted with their own haul.  And despite the devastating finding just before the competition that our third marrow had been totally destroyed by a falling plum tree branch (meaning we had to replace this fantastic specimen with an overgrown courgette…….) this offering still won second prize!

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Our total prizes (although we forgot to pick up our prize money of £1 for first prizes and 50p for second prizes……)  were:

1st Prize:    Luscious sponge cake
1st Prize:    Junior cake – Edward Harris
1st Prize:  Needlecraft – winning a fantastic cup which is now pride of place in our kitchen
2nd Prize:  Junior cake – Lucy Harris
2nd Prize:  3 marrows, courgettes or squash
2nd Prize:   2 beetroot
2nd Prize:   Homemade beverage, wine, beer, cordial (for our delicious Blackberry liqueur)
2nd Prize:   Jar of home made jelly (for our Lemon curd – a favorite with our guests)
3rd prize:   Jar of home made marmalade
3rd Prize:   A piece of project work – Lucy Harris

It was great fun to enter, the event ended with a rowdy auction of all the produce and we really felt a part of village life.




Terry and Masons Great Food Trip

Earlier this summer many of the locals in Wells were surprised to find Terry Wogan drinking in their favorite coffee shops.  We have since found out this was part of his series, “Terry and Masons Great Food Trip” details of which can be found at http://www.radiotimes.com/episode/drkd98/terry-and-masons-great-food-trip–series-1—4-evesham and which is now showing as a series of 20 episodes on BBC 1 between 18:30 and 19:00.  Although he didn’t visit The White House unfortunately (wonder what Terry would have thought of our breakfasts????) it would be great if he did manage to include a visit to at least one bed and breakfast in the area.

I’ve seen a couple of the episodes and they’re really good fun; and planning to keep watching so I don’t miss the Wells episode……..

Priddy Folk Festival

Glastonbury may be over but the music continues in Dulcote’s surrounding area with the Priddy Folk Festival on 10th – 12th July.   With a very different look and feel the festival is organised and run by a group of volunteers.  Over the years, it has grown from a fund raiser for the Priddy village hall to a huge fund raiser promoting music and arts and dedicated to improving the environment around Priddy.

There are still some tickets available, go to the festival website at priddyfolk.org to find out more