Small Kindnesses

Over the New Year I was reflecting on why we have settled so well in Dulcote and why we all enjoy life here so much.  My conclusion was the small kindnesses that take place on an almost daily basis with our friends, neighbours and also paying guests at the Bed and Breakfast, some of whom are already on the way to becoming friends….

We have our neighbour Tony, who delivered our Christmas tree to us by tractor as it was too big to fit in our car; and another neighbour who dropped in during the holidays with a huge box of chocolates to welcome in the New Year

Our lovely friends Jane and Alex who worked really hard all over the holidays entertaining their friends and family.  We were lucky enough to join them and returned their kindness with a hugely enjoyable evening with one of our very rare (these days…..) “a la carte” dinner menus

Our new friends Nicky and Chris, who entertained us so well during their first lasagne date with us and also brought a gift of home made pickled walnuts (haven’t yet tried these but I know they taste fantastic in a casserole and thankfully now know – following a recent Chris Evans discussion on Radio 2 – that you must never ever eat a whole one!)

Not forgetting my adopted mum Ros, one of the first to welcome us to the village, whose knowledge of bed and breakfast really got us started and whose friendship, love and thoughtfulness is really treasured (thanks so much for the tulips when you found out that “rib” doesn’t mean we are planning a BBQ!)

Brigid, a previous owner of the White House, recovering from a knee operation and who returned our visit (with a bottle of blackberry vodka to ease the pain…..) with a visit complete with walking stick when she found out about “the rib” and also our friends from bell ringing who also popped over to make sure we were all ok.

And our many lovely guests, from the lovely Christmas cards and thank you cards received (many of which have a picture of a Schnauser on the front and containing so many kind words); to the vintage train ride voucher given in return for our refusal to take payment for an early return home due to illness; then passed to another returning guest who we knew loved trains with a passion, which was then returned through a voucher to our favourite restaurant – absolutely un-necessary but very much appreciated and enjoyed; to the promise of a mystery “gift” following my gift of a jar of home made marmalade……

And then those who made sure all of my puppies (children included) were looked after just fine (you know who you are…..) when both Rod and I had immovable and clashing business trips yesterday

I could go on and on but you get the picture?

It is the small kindnesses that are so often missing in large cities that make the world go around and make life so much more pleasurable.

So here is a huge thank you to all of our friends, no matter where.  We very much appreciate you being there for us and wish you all the very, very best for 2017

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